Friday, October 3, 2008

Voting is a Pain in the Ass

I was driving to work this morning and in my half-awake state when a McCain/Palin sign in someone's front yard caught my eye, which got me thinking.. What in the hell is going to happen to the United States?

It seems like every time there is a presidential election, the candidates before the primaries always don't seem too bad, but after the primaries it all goes downhill. I am not saying that I wanted to vote for Hillary, for the record, but I feel like going out to vote this year is as important as it is pointless. 

To be honest, I know that I am voting for Obama - but he is far from my ideal president. I don't think that I should be taxed more for government aid programs because right now, I don't use them. That is selfish and immoral, but its the truth, deep down I am not a democrat. I just hate George Bush and McCain because of their stupid bullshit values and this war that's going on right now -- politics are so corrupt nowadays. How are people suppose to have the motivation to go out and vote when neither president is good all-around? I just wish that for once, a well qualified and intelligent person would run. Barack will have to be close enough, I guess.


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