Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Good Night's Sleep

For as long as I can remember, sleep was just something that I was forced to do. It seemed like something that always got in the way -- a necessary inconvenience that you just have to deal with as a human being so you can get on with what you need to do. When I started college, I became fascinated with dreams, especially after taking Psych of Personality.. Freud's theory of dreams really fascinated me. I don't know if I really buy into the latent sexual content of dreams, but I definitely think that there is latent content there. Sure, it can be true that dreams happen completely randomly, independent of the day's events and what has been occupying your mind recently. But I don't think so. 

Last night a friend of mine gave me a sleep aid that she uses, and seeing as how I haven't been sleeping well for months I was pretty eager to give it a try. It's not that I haven't been getting enough sleep, its just that I don't fall into a deep sleep very often. The funny thing is, I haven't had a good dream as far back as I can remember, and I use to have them all the time. I'm talking about the kind of dream where you don't want to wake up because the dream is so amazing. Well, I finally had one, and I wish I could go back to sleep. The dream was about this guy I use to spend all time with a year or so ago, who never seemed to see me as anything other than a friend. In my dream he felt the same way about me, and it was like.. our friendship was, only a million times better because the entire dream we were spending time together and boyfriend and girlfriend -- it was just like a regular day of my life playing out with him by my side. 

Maybe good dreams aren't even good dreams after all, since now all I want to do is go back to sleep. Who wants to know what it feels like to have something they can't for a split second?


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