Saturday, October 4, 2008

Today's The Big Day

So I started out this morning fully intent on going somewhere to register. Unfortunately, being as lazy as I am, I waited way too long and City Hall is now closed. It looks like I'll probably be able to register at the library though.. Julia is coming to pick me up and I guess we're both heading up there. 

I had a pretty rough day yesterday, both at work and when I got home.. and I ended up going out later that night. It got me thinking, when is too much going out really too much? A friend of mine recently got upset with me for being a little too crazy for my own good..but what kind of world do we really live in nowadays? I think one of our biggest problems is that so many kids just don't know what to do with their lives. 

I just sometimes wish that suburban/ohio life wasn't the way it is. A lack of anything to do means that after work and school you are either at the bar (for those lucky enough to be 21) or at a friends house sitting around drinking a beer (etc.). I don't even think that it gets better in other places, because there is a nightlife in Cleveland, I just wish it was more gorgeous here and there were more community events that were actually interesting. I think the ideal place for me would be a more Coventry-like area. Maybe I'll move out there if I ever get the money.


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